Digital Video Security Camera Policy

Security cameras will be used where needed to discourage violations of the Library’s Rules of Conduct, to assist Library staff in preventing the recurrence of any violations and, when necessary, to provide law enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of digital video cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded digital video images at the Huntsville Madison County Public Library.

Video monitoring and recording will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing local and applicable laws and ordinances.

Cameras may be installed in locations where staff and patrons would not have an expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the Library such as entrances, near book and media collections, public seating, delivery areas and parking lots.

Cameras will not be installed in areas where staff and public have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.


  1. Digital video security cameras are installed in selected indoor and outdoor locations at the Main Library.
  2. A sign will be posted at Library entrance informing the public that security cameras are in use.
  3. Selected staff will have access to the real time monitors, although activity is only randomly monitored.
  4. In pursuit of incidents of criminal activity or violation of the Library’s Rules of Conduct, only the Executive Director or his/her designee(s) will have access to the archived material.
  5. Video recordings and photos obtained through the video monitoring system will be released only in response to search warrants, court orders, and requests by law enforcement for an active investigation.
  6. Images will typically be retained for a period determined by the storage capacity of the equipment, usually about 14 to 21 calendar days. As new images are recorded, the oldest images will be automatically deleted.
  7. Selected digital video may be saved for as long as required


  1. Staff and patron safety is the first priority in any threatening situation. The protection of Library property is of secondary importance.
  2. Cameras will not be installed for the express purpose of monitoring staff performance.
  3. The general public will not be allowed access to camera images.
  4. Questions from the public may be addressed to the Executive Director.